Wednesday 20 March 2013

March's Easter Chickens

As Easter is early this year, end of March, I decided to stick with a Easter theme and paint chickens! I also asked my neighbours daughter Sharon if she wanted to join me and she was very excited to. I bought yellow tissue paper to add some texture and make it more fun...we also listened to Sharon's favourite boy band, One Direction :s she taught me some of the lyrics, that bit was very fun(!) Her favourite songs are Up All Night & Kiss You and she thinks Liam, whichever one that is, looks funny with a shaven head!

Here's Sharon with her painting of chicks.

Sharon's painting of chicks using tissue paper, so cute!

and my version of fluffy chicks!


  1. OOOoooOOwwww how cute! Great work too by you guys, i think you should start a little art club with the little ones during the hols. Will give them something to do and inspire their minds and imagination! x

    1. thanks Dina! sorry for late reply..was meant to reply back but then completely forgot! I would love to do that! I'm thinking of doing a painting a month with Sharon, I love kids drawings :)
